Política de envío
Order Processing Time
Once you place an order with us, we do our best to have your order packed and ready for the shipper within 3-5 business days.
Orders containing several sample, micro, mini, classic and / or travel size products could take up to 5 - 7 days to fulfill since these products are produced as they are received per order.
Please be aware that there may be additional delays due to holidays or our company attending trade shows in other parts of the country that may delay your order processing by a few days or so.
We appreciate your understanding with this matter.
Shipping Cost
First Class Domestic Shipping is offered at a Flat Rate and includes customary shipping insurance through ROUTE.
Other shipping options such as Priority, UPS and International is also available during the checkout process.
Domestic orders in the US that are $60. or more will activate a FREE shipping option during checkout.
International Shipping
We accept international orders to Canada & Denmark, our handling time is the same as our domestic orders, 3 - 5 business days. This may be delayed by a couple of days due to holidays or trade show schedule.
International shipments take a minimum of seven business days to travel to your location once the carrier has received them.
Please keep in mind that all international orders will need to go through customs, which may delay your package delivery by a few days to several weeks.
Customs Fees
International customers are fully responsible for any fees / taxes / tariffs imposed by your countries Customs Department. Delivery of product may be denied or cancelled if these fees are not paid.
Surreal Makeup is not responsible to cover / pay any extra fees that may be imposed by your local Customs Department in your country.
Packages returned by Customs for non payment will be refunded minus a 20% restocking fee.
Lost / Stolen Shipments
Surreal Makeup provides complimentary shipping insurance to protect your shipment from damage, loss or theft.